$50 to $100
Sommita Nebbiolo
The 2018 Nebbiolo was handpicked on the 28th March. This is realativly early for this variety. The fruit was the transfered to ther Cloankilla Winery were Bryan Martin natuarlly ferments the berries virtually undamaged for 4 weeks. The ferment begins within the berry and continues very slowly over time. The wine is then transferred into Oak Puncheons where it awaits bottling.
Grove Estate Sommita Nebbiolo
The 2016 Nebbiolo is a lovely ripe true to style Hilltops Nebbiolo. These vines are meticulously looked after throughout the growing season. It is interesting to consider when the winemaking begins for such a great wine - Is it when the grapes reach Bryan at the winery or perhaps when "Windows" prunes the vines in Winter, or is it when the vines were planted by Mark, John, and Michael and there families. Or did this wine have its beginning when the soil was taking formation, obviously all the above and much more was involved in the final wine, so please enjoy, respect and linger over all that goes into each bottle as we have.