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Cotswolds Dry Gin
Cotswolds Dry Gin has a delectable blend of nine carefully considered botanicals. Upfront and clean on the palate, followed by fresh grapefruit and a hint of coriander seed. Black pepper spice builds with a touch of dryness. Clean and balanced finish with a hint of lime and lavender.
Cotswolds Distillery Peated Single Malt Whisky
Cotswolds Peated Cask Single Malt Whisky is hand-crafted in small batches using 100% floor-malted local barley. Long fermentations and double pot distillation, followed by maturation in ex-peated quarter casks, create a wonderfully-balanced rich and fruity whisky with subtle notes of peat smoke. Bottled at cask strength. Nose: Vanilla with light charring and a touch of dried fruits and spice. Palate: Creamy peat smoke layered with light fruits and tannin-rich wood. Finish: Lasting finish of smoking embers, floral honey and woody sugars.
Cotswolds Single Malt Whisky
Our Cotswolds Single Malt Whisky is the first whisky ever distilled in the Cotswolds. We use 100% locally grown, floor-malted barley and mature the whisky in first-fill ex-Bourbon barrels and reconditioned red wine casks. Rich, fruity and sippable with notes of honey, Seville orange marmalade and dark red fruits. Tasting Notes Nose: Notes of honey and butterscotch layered with light fruits (peaches & apricots), a hint of marzipan. Palate: Strong notes of tannin-rich malt, oils and dark sugar with lots of spice, caramelised Seville orange marmalade. Finish: Long and resinous, with dark red fruits and a hint of treacle.