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Red Hill Brewery Kolsch - Related products

Prancing Pony Brewery Pale Ale

The team at the Prancing Pony was at the end of the brew boil run and could have just stopped here. Instead, sparing no cost, they add a tonne of additional hop for some opulent citrusy flavour. This balances nicely with the extra fire brew maltiness in this Pale Ale. The spicy aroma makes is enought to ignite anyones senses.

Victoria Bitter Gold

Looking for that unmistakable VB taste with a touch less alcohol? VB Gold is your answer. You can experience the same full-flavoured malt richness VB is famous for while knowing that you can stay just that little bit longer.

Green Beacon Brewing Co Windjammer India Pale Ale

Green Beacon Brewing Co Windjammer IPA has juicy citrus and pine with firm hop bitterness on palate.

Six String Brewing Co Coastie Pale Lager

An Easy drinking classic Australian Pale Lager. Made from 100% Australian pale malt the Coastie Pale Lager is an unfiltered crisp and refreshing beer. Coastie is light on body to allow the Australian hops and malt to shine through. The Lager is late hopped to add an extra aromatic character to what is a clean, simple style.

Prancing Pony Brewery Amber Ale

A full bodied Amber Ale, just like your favourite Pony. An unfiltered, Caramelly, malty and citrusy hop flavour fire brew that blows the rust off our brewery shed every time we brew it.

Prickly Moses Organic Pilsner

Pale amber in colour with a crisp clear bitterness, bottle conditioned with no preservatives added. This Prickly Moses beer is as close to nature as a beer can be. Brewed with pure Otway rainwater.

Prickly Moses Otway Pale Ale

A medium bodied ale which is light amber in colour, derived from the use of caramel malts. A refreshing but appetizing beer with toffee and caramel flavours balanced nicely with a blend of traditional English hops for bittering and American hops for aroma. The all malt ale is warm fermented which adds some complexity to the beer and leads to a fruity aroma which compliments this particular style of beer.

Killer Sprocket Amber Ale

Killer Sprocket Amber Ale pours a clear, deep ruby-copper with a thin, quickly dissipating head. Utilising Pale, Munich, Crystal and Chocolate malts, its bouquet reveals a backbone of toffee, with caramel and dark fruit supporting, and a pleasingly slight level of roasting. In the mouth, Cascade, East Kent Goldings and Amarillo hops, used subtly, provide a wonderful balance to the malt, showing good dryness to correspond with the malts predominant sweetness, and allow the beer to finish bitter.

Prickly Moses Summer Ale

A refreshing, clean, crisp, golden ale. Hints of tropical pineapple, passionfruit and citrus flavours and the dry finish, makes this the perfect summer ale.

Six String Brewing Co Pale Ale

A hybrid of Australian and American style Pale Ales, which are both renowned for their floral and fruity hop characteristics. The Pale Ale has a clean taste, coming from the strain of yeast used, with flavours leaning somewhat towards the hop flavour over the malts. Medium to light bodied with a moderate carbonation and a smooth refreshing dry finish makes this a desirable and pleasant drinking beer.