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Wicked Weed Malice - Related products

Furphy Refreshing Ale

Furphy refreshing ale has been embraced by Victorians as a local beer made for local people. Made with 100% Victorian ingredients, Furphyrefreshing ale is an easy drinking beer with a touch of craft in its DNA.

Chimay Blue

This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasant. Its flavour, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma , while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted malt.

Chimay Red

Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance.

Leffe Blonde

Leffe Blonde is a Belgian Abbey Ale, golden in colour. It has a delicate aroma of smoked bacon which combines beautifully with the more obvious aromas of caramel and toffee which are derived from the special Aromatic malts used. These malts go through a special kilning process which dries and cures the malt at high temperatures resulting in high soluble sugar levels giving Leffe its distinctive colour, aroma and flavour.

Bintang Pilsener

Every Australian who has set foot in Bali has had the crisp, clean and refreshing lager flavours of Bintang cross their lips. Relive those holiday memories with a Bintang today.

Hahn Super Dry

Hahn SuperDry is brewed by combining the best of modern brewing technology with the finest ingredients, resulting in a full flavoured, crisp and refreshing low carb beer. The long brewing process breaks down more of the natural sugars to deliver a genuine SuperDry taste, with only a third of the carbs youll find in other full-strength beers.

Mythos Hellenic Lager

Mythos has a balanced, slightly sweet taste comprising of fruity nuances and hops, yet just the right amount of bitterness. With a long lasting and clear aftertaste, it is the refreshing way to enjoy the finest brew Greece has to offer.

Menabrea Birra

Birra Menabrea Lager is brewed using light barley malts and maize, for a light, crisp Lager style. A distinctive yeast strain, and a more significant amount of hops than is usual for a Lager beer add to its aromatic complexity. This, combined with a fairly high alcohol level, makes for a very full and flavourful, yet still refreshing Lager. Around 100 thousand hectolitres of beer are produced annually, part of which for export in twenty countries.

Beerlao Beerlao Lager

This premium rice beer is a light, crisp French/Asian style Lager, fresh enough to cleanse the palate and the perfect partner for spicy Loatian cuisine.

Tui East India Pale Ale

Not a typical IPA more of a lager style but a nice beer none the less. A sweet fruity aroma with a hint of malt and on the palate a sweet malt flavour and a toffee caramel taste.